
Philip Meadows Taylor

Engels | 28-02-2025 | 702 pagina's


Paperback / softback

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Tekst achterflap

The "Times."

"For its rapid action, in fact, we have seldom read a better story, or one which is more full of incidents, sanguinary, trenchant, and robust."

The "Daily Telegraph."

"A true and a wonderfully well-sustained piece of Oriental life and striking history."

The "Spectator."

"This is a very remarkable book. It is a determined attempt to bring the interior Hindoo and Mussulman life of a great Mahratta province during the most exciting times home to the hearts and understandings of Englishmen, to interest them in people with whom they have nothing except human nature in common."

"Morning Post."

"'Tara' is a unique work. There is nothing like it in the English literature of fiction. No other writer has ever attempted the portrayal of Indian life, society, and interests, entirely free from any European admixture of character or incident. The author himself now does so for the first time. 'The Confessions of a Thug' related to British jurisdiction in India. 'Tippoo Sultan' dealt with the gallant struggles of that monarch against the encroaching British power, but 'Tara' is all Indian."


EAN :9786256310193
Uitgever :Mijnbestseller B.V.
Publicatie datum :  28-02-2025
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :235 mm
Breedte :155 mm
Dikte :39 mm
Gewicht :1047 gr
Status :POD (Beschikbaar als print-on-demand.)
Aantal pagina's :702